

Check our fNIRS products in real

Each year we participate in various conferences around the world meeting researchers and neuropsychology passionates. This is a great opportunity to experience our products in real life applications and talk to our team. 


Our ‘Pathfinder’ won the SfNIRS DEI Travel Award!

We are proud to announce that one of our Pathfinder's participants - Sizwe Zondo from Rhodes University, South Africa, won the first Society of fNIRS Diversity Equity and Inclusion (SfNIRS DEI) travel award. The SfNIRS DEI program aims to empower young scientists to...

Educational mini-course at the fNIRS 2022 conference in Boston

Educational mini-course at the fNIRS 2022 conference in Boston

Welcome at the most important meeting of the fNIRS community this year (fNIRS 2022 Conference in Boston, USA)! We had a chance to lead an educational mini-course concerning: how to combine fNIRS with VR technology to create realistic interaction with objects in 3D...

Cortivision at ESCOP 2022

Cortivision at ESCOP 2022

Meet Cortivision in France at ESCOP 2022! We are happy to announce our presence at the 22nd European Society of Cognitive Psychology conference that will take place in Lille. Starting from the 29th of August researchers, psychologists, therapists and psychiatrists...

Meet the Cortivision team at fNIRS 2022

Meet the Cortivision team at fNIRS 2022

We are thrilled to annouce that Cortivision is a gold sponsor of the fNIRS community's largest event, the Society of fNIRS Meeting 2022.  Current edition will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on October 9-12 2022. During the conference, our team will present a...

Cortivision at the 33rd EEGLab Workshop, Lublin

Cortivision at the 33rd EEGLab Workshop, Lublin

Cortivision is organizing the 33rd EEGLab Workshop! In about 4 months we will be organizing a conference for research community in cooperation with Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience (University of California San Diego). Cortivision is a local organizer of...

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