

CortiVision software ecosystem 

The solutions our engineers design not only meet the requirements of high quality and usability. Our products are characterized by user friendliness, convenience and ability to work with many software environments. 

Recording and signal visualisation software that is intuitive and versatile.

Main features:

  • probe design and channel configuration
  • auto-calibration of sources power to achieve the best signal-to-noise ratio
  • raw fNIRS data collection in SNIRF and TXT formats
  • IMU sensor data collection
  • plots with real time fNIRS and IMU raw data, oxy-Hb, deoxy-Hb, total-Hb
  • real-time streaming in LabStreamingLayer
  • recording REST API which allows to manage experiment from external scripts (e.g. PsychoPy)
  • cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac)


Simple user interface

with real-time signal preview

Connected Solutions

MATLAB (Homer3)

MATLAB is one of the widely used data analysis software. The Homer3 toolbox running within it is used for analyzing fNIRS data to obtain estimates and maps of brain activation. Our products are fully compatible with this environment.

Python (MNE)

MNE is an open-source Python-based package for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing neurophysiological data from MEG, EEG, NIRS and more.

Unity VR engine

Unity is a powerful tool for creating 3D and 2D computer games and virtual reality scenarios. Create a fully controlled experimental or training environment with integrated fNIRS measurments.


We provide a real-time data stream using the Lab Streaming Layer protocol, making it easy to integrate our system with other devices like EEG, motion capture, eye tracking and more. Receiving data via LSL also opens the door to online analysis e.g. for BCI or hyperscanning studies.

User-friendly fNIRS signal processing software

Main features:

  • Intuitive graphical user interface

  • From raw data to results without coding

  • Complete pipeline with the most commonly used algorithms

  • Support for .snirf and BIDS formats

  • Publication-ready visualization of results


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